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Yukiko Tsutsui is a multi-talented singer/songwriter from Akita, Japan, and the influence of her Japanese roots is what sets her apart. Her compositions are beautifully arranged and are influenced by many styles, ranging from jazz to classical and world music, with an emphasis on traditional Japanese folk music. Yukiko’s voice can maneuver over any melody, with a rich lower range and bright, clear upper register.

Yukiko started to play piano at age of 8. After years of experience singing as a member of professional acapella groups in Tokyo, she decided to move to Canada to pursue her musical career. She studied and graduated from the Contemporary Music and Technology program Composition Major at Selkirk College in Nelson BC in 2008. 

Yukiko operated her national award-winning radio show, Japanese Musiquest, on the Kootenay Coop Radio in Nelson, BC. The show syndicated on following stations across Canada; CiTR 101.9 FM in Vancouver BC, CJUC 92.5 FM in Whitehorse YT, CJSF 90.1 FM in Burnaby BC and CILU 102.7FM in Thunder Bay ON. From September 2007 to February 2012, Japanese Musiquest exposed its listeners to Japanese culture, as Yukiko played music native to Japan and discussed topics and issues that are prevalent in Japan. In June 2010, the show won the first prize “Outstanding Achievement” in the Music Program category at the annual radio awards given by the National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA).

She returned to Japan in 2010 and established her teaching career in vocal, keyboard and music theory. She also worked composing and recording for a TV commercial, performing for festivals and events, including a vocal/keyboard for a Japanese Elvis tribute band and some jazz musicians. 

After moved to Toronto in 2016, she got into the music scene right away and started to perform with Juno Award-winning guitarist Donné Roberts

In 2018 and 2019 during the Ricoh Woodbine Mile at Woodbine Racetrack, she was selected to perform the Japanese National Anthem and broadcasted on TSN, the sports channel.

Awards and Honors

Semi-Finalist | 2021 Unsigned Only Music Competition
Semi-Finalist | 2012 International Songwriting Competition
2010 Outstanding Achievement Winner | National Campus and Community Radio Association

筒井 柚紀子



2007年9月より、ブリティッシュコロンビア州ネルソンのコミュニティーラジオ局Kootenay Coop Radioで「Japanese Musiquest」を企画、担当。2012年2月までの4年半カナダ全国計5局にて毎週放送し、日本の音楽と文化の素晴らしさを紹介した。

2010年6月、「Japanese Musiquest」がカナダコミュニティーラジオ協会NCRA音楽番組部門の最優秀ナショナルアワードを受賞。また国際交流基金の助成により、地元秋田の民謡グループによるカナダツアーをコーディネート。5都市7会場での公演を果たし成功を収める。


2016年4月よりカナダ・トロント在住。2018年と2019年には、トロント・ウッドバイン競馬場で行われたリコー・ウッドバイン・マイルで日本国家を独唱。ソロ活動の他、様々なミュージシャンとのコラボレーションも積極的に行っている。カナダ版グラミーとして知られるジュノー賞受賞ドネ・ロバーツのバンドメンバー、及びデュオBaobab Cherryとしても活動中。


2010年 カナダコミュニティーラジオ協会NCRA音楽番組部門 最優秀ナショナルアワード受賞
2012&2013年 インターナショナル・ソングライティング・コンペティション(ISC)セミファイナリスト
2021年 Unsigned Only Music Competition セミファイナリスト