Afro & Caribbean Collab!
音楽喫茶 MOJO 南住吉1−13 サザンビレッジ 2F, 所沢市, 埼玉県, Japan陽気なマダガスカルとカリブのサウンドが織りなす、奇跡のコラボレーション!
カナダ・トロントから来日ツアー中のドネ・ロバーツ&筒井 柚紀子と、スティールパン&ギターデュオ 伊澤 陽一&愛川 聡が、所沢の冬を常夏にする!
カナダ・トロントから来日ツアー中のドネ・ロバーツ&筒井 柚紀子と、スティールパン&ギターデュオ 伊澤 陽一&愛川 聡が、所沢の冬を常夏にする!
アルトサックス&フルート Miwako、パーカッション DAIKI_Seco.SunChezと安井 希久子の豪華メンバーを交えてお届けする、熱いリズムに世界が踊るスペシャルライブ!
On Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23, 2024, Nagata Shachu will present “From Japan to Madagascar”, a double bill concert featuring the ten ten – an eclectic music ensemble, using Japanese and western instruments, which performs Japanese folk songs with a modern twist.
On Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23, 2024, Nagata Shachu will present “From Japan to Madagascar”, a double bill concert featuring the ten ten – an eclectic music ensemble, using Japanese and western instruments, which performs Japanese folk songs with a modern twist.
In partnership with Four Winds Music Festival One of Canada's most talented African Rhythm Guitar, singer songwriters, the multi Juno winning, Donne Roberts and Band. In a tiny, historic church. Small House Concert. Saturday, May 11, 37 Sydenham ST, Flesherton. Feel free to BYOB and Refreshments
Come to enjoy tasty coffee, food and our music!
TD Pop-up Performances with Donné Roberts Free | 10:30 pm, 11:30 pm, and 12:30 pm Watch and listen as local artists bring the Museum and Park to life with free live performances throughout the day. Pop-up Performances at the Museum are sponsored by TD Bank Group.
Donné Roberts, Yukiko Tsutsui and Ken Yoshioka Host: Bill Heffernan PWYC
TD Pop-up Performances with Donné Roberts Free | 10:30 pm, 11:30 pm, and 12:30 pm Watch and listen as local artists bring the Museum and Park to life with free live performances throughout the day. Pop-up Performances at the Museum are sponsored by TD Bank Group.